Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Time Traveler's Visit

A Time Traveler’s Visit

According to theory, - this is no imagination of the mind - man can travel in time as travel in space; to the past or to the future, so Stephen Hawking in a lecture at the university of Oxford asserts some time ago.

Then, some one in the year 10.000 A.D., boards a time vehicle and landed in Jakarta of today, he points to the traffic jams, the “mountains” of garbage, the quality of water in the rivers which is as dark and foul as water in the sewers. I told him that our government did a lot to solve the current problems: has broadened the streets, the roads, building toll-roads, improving the quality of the working force, implemented reforestation, curb inflation, ... To every problem, of land, unemployment, housing, education, he again and again insists: “family planning; one child only. Not two or more.

We can support, provide a living for more than a hundred billion people of the earth if we want to, not just 6 billion as it is in this, your time. Yet, we just keep our earth population at about one million only, to maintain, ensure the welfare of our earth, of all living beings, including plants as well.

For, each child that isn’t born, a larger living space, a better livelihood is opened for the living. The thought slowly dawned upon me and I saw the unwanted crying puppy which was left on a garbage pile at the road-side in the rain. Yes. It is better not to be born, instead of being discarded, neglected, die or starve from want of food or sickness.

“With a ‘one child’ family planning program, within one generation, the numbers of your Indonesian people would drop from 200 million to 100 million. All those pressing problems would become less severe. Within two generations, the Indonesian people will number 50 million. Within three generations, Jakarta will be freed from pollution, the water in the rivers clean, the environment green and the fauna prosper. After four, five generations, Indonesia again will be as the former so called ‘emerald’ on the equator.“ so he said.

I started, as I remembered the FAO report, that forests in Java and Bali have been cut down till only 9,5 % is left. That was in 1995, what about today?

“If the theory of traveling in time were true, why aren’t there any time travelers of the future visiting us?” I repeated Hawking’s haunting question to him.

“Suppose I really am some one of the year 10.000,” he answered, “there will be no one who will believe me and think I am just dreaming or mad, including you and Hawking.” and he disappeared, leaving me perplexed, startled, uncertain, whether it is real or a daydream.

From Jayakarta, June 24, 1995

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