Wednesday, April 19, 2017

On Courage

The courage

to refuse a good, close friend’s request, invitation, - I dare.

to refuse to war, invade another country and kill people, - I dare, were I not threatened.

to ask Princess Diana permission to kiss her, were she still living, - I don’t dare. Ha. Ha.

to be different, be yourself. – I dare.

to praise oneself, - I certainly dare, lest I should shame my Creator.

to take, - skip it - the Bible with a grain of salt.

to say, Mr. Chew writes beautiful, wonderful and deserves the Nobel Prize. Ha-Ha.

Winning the Nobel Prize, wouldn’t make me the greater than as I am.
Not winning the Nobel Prize wouldn’t make me the lesser than as I am. 
Ha. Ha.

  • This is my book:

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