Monday, December 26, 2016

What Is There That Could Stay, Live Forever?


I thought that I could save, preserve, all that’s so valuable, my records, my thoughts, my pictures, not in books, but for ever in You Tube, in a blog, … digitally, save from fire, viruses, theft, ….

Yet, after about five years my music deteriorates in You Tube.

I dreamed, imagined that’s what digitally is preserved could be for ever, live for ever, as it can always be renewed.

And I thought of the pyramid's, the Borobudur, …  What about them in ten thousand years from now. What in hundred thousand years, what in the life time of the stars?

So now am I grateful, not worrying anymore about their limited life time as there’s nothing that could stay, stand, live forever.

This is my book. You can read it.

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